The Wild Rollercoaster of Consumerism

Black Friday. It’s the shopping Olympics, and we’re all in the running, elbowing each other for the gold medal of discounted appliances. Ever felt like you’re part of an epic battle, Hunger Games style, just to snag a flat-screen TV? Newsflash: You’re not Katniss, and that TV won’t magically transform your life.

Let’s chat about those so-called “discounts.” Spoiler alert: They’re about as real as a unicorn doing your taxes. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig—sure, it looks fancier, but at the end of the day, it’s still a pig. So, that flashy “discounted” toaster might not be the life-changer you thought.

Now, let’s talk about the peak of greed on Black Friday—it’s on expert mode. We go from appreciating what we have on Thanksgiving to treating the shopping aisles like the Hunger Games arena. But here’s a wild idea: What if we’re better than this? What if we break free from the cycle of chaos and find sanity in avoiding the Black Friday stampede?

This Black Friday, let’s rebel against the shopping madness. Take a step back from the chaos, save your sanity like it’s the last piece of chocolate in the store, and maybe—just maybe—save our dear planet Earth from unnecessary shopping sprees. 

Because, let’s be real, Earth deserves better than becoming a casualty in the war for a discounted blender. It’s time to be the hero that our planet needs—say no to unnecessary purchases, break free from the Black Friday frenzy, and savour the joy of a clutter-free home.

In the end, the real victory isn’t in the number of shopping bags you carry; it’s in the laughter shared with loved ones and the memories made without the looming shadow of consumer chaos. So, this Black Friday, join the rebellion, be the change, and let’s make our planet proud. Who knew saving the world could be as simple as resisting the urge to buy that overpriced toaster? Happy (and sane) Black Friday, everyone!

Here’s a Quick 10-Minute Writing Exercise

Make a list of problems. Generate as many ideas as you can in 10 minutes. It could be ‘You are locked in a cage with a bear,’ or ‘You realize you took the wrong pill.’ It could be as bizarre as ‘You wake up to find your dog has been elected mayor of your town!’ Nothing is too silly; nothing is too ridiculous. The point of this exercise is not to come up with quality stuff but to have fun and let your imagination run wild. So, be open. Don’t let the police in your head have too much control over your mind.

Ready, set, go!

Taking a Break from Doom and Gloom

Can you ever imagine a world where our environmental dreams come true? Take a moment to give yourself permission to answer this question: ‘If there were no obstacles, and we could have whatever we wished for, what kind of world would we create?’

Now, gently close your eyes and envision this world:

How does it function?
What kind of technology thrives in it?
In what delightful ways does it sparkle with beauty?
What’s an ordinary day like for people living in this world?

What does your hopeful world look like in your imagination?

We invite you to share your vision with us at WriteNow Berlin. You don’t need to be a writer, and you can express your thoughts in any language that feels right. No strict guidelines, just your imagination painting a brighter future. Let’s dream together of a sustainable and marvellous world.

We would happily promote your website or links to your other works. So, if you like, please send us a short bio and a photo when you submit your work.