Workshop Marathon Challenge FEBRUARY

Date and time: 14 February 2021 Sunday, 11:00 – 13:00 CET

Place: Online on Zoom. You will receive the link one day before the workshop. Registration through the website is compulsory. 

Price: Pay As You Can through PayPal.  ( Your donations help towards IT costs and workshop costs.)

Led by: Secil Honeywill

Scene 2. February

If you missed the first workshop of 2021 you can register for the February workshop now. What is better than to practice the love you feel for yourself on Valentine’s Day? In these workshops we cultivate the ability  to observe our thoughts and feelings by using lots of fun and stimulating exercises. Writing creates that mind-body-spirit connection we need the most in life. Come and join us on Sunday 14th and you will be surprised to find out the play which has been hiding inside your head and waiting to come out. 

The main motive of this platform is to encourage people to write plays that fight injustice, inequality and discrimination. There are so many ways to create awareness to get people thinking differently. Writing a play is one of them. WNB believes in the therapeutic outcome of writing. It takes away the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness. If you are interested in the current issues in the world and would like to do something about it rather than just complaining, join our workshops and get writing. 

If you can not make it after you registered to the workshop please let us know so we can let others in.

During the workshop we will be making a film and taking photos that will appear later on this website and in our social media platforms. Please let us know if you don’t want to be in them.